Your new CommuGame ! Play, create, communicate !

Shouldn't they
have some fun as well ?

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Play games, have fun, and sponsor DUPLY.

You like DUPLY and you want to help us for more exiting DUPLY ?

So be a DUPLY Angel, play the games and help a little bit for a real good thing. More...

Thanks a lot !

I want to sponsor DUPLY !
WOW ! For FREE ! I want to create an own DUPLY !

You now can create and order your own individual DUPLY. Play as often you want or send it to Mam and Dad or all friends of yours !

Be creative - own own DUPLY !

Create my DUPLY now !
Poster DCC 2013
This could be the official poster of the DCC 2013 !This is a really great event and even a great challenge for DUPLY.
All school-classes worldwide will be called upon to take part in this truly unique competition. All school-classes, from 1st to 12th grade, will take part by creating a DUPLY classic with 15 images.

DUPLY wants you to help us - to make this wunderful contest for all pupils worldwide a big, big success !

I want to sponsor DUPLY !